• What it is
  • Who
  • Answering Time
  • Number of Questions
  • How to

What is Service Delivery Tool?

The Service Delivery Tool includes questions that service providers can answer to identify their strengths and weaknesses in the way they deliver services. The tool can help organisations providing support to persons with long-term care needs to understand how to improve the work they do and how they can offer more person-centred services.

Who can fill it?

Staff members in management positions, or social workers, psychologists, speech therapists, and other staff members of these organisations.

How much time do I need to answer the questions ?

To be defined.

How many questions do I have to answer?

The tool includes several questions under 6 different chapters.

How can I answer the questions?

People from the staff of service delivery organisations can answer the questions individually. Once all the relevant staff members have answered the questions, a summary of the results will be available to the organisation. Please note that the organisation will not be able to view individual results but only a summary/ the average of all the responses collected.